
Friday, January 27, 2012

Weekly Weigh In, 01/27/2012

Total weight loss goal: 60lbs
Weeks weight difference: -7lbs (two weeks)
Total weight loss thus far: -11.6lbs (yeah!!)
Total weight loss to go: 48.4lbs
Goal achievement to date: 19%
Body fat percent difference:  NA
I had a great two weeks for weight loss.  However, I’m not sure how real the loss is since I recently had abdominal surgery.  It seems like a huge jump? I don’t have those kinds of jumps since I usually have to work for every freakin pound ounce lost. I fully expect this number to even out in the next few weeks.  But hey, I will keep my fingers crossed.
Since surgery, I have blown off tracking my food intake. I need to get back on track since it’s an area that’s key for me.  It really does make or break my weight loss/maintenance success. Just haven’t had the physical or mental energy as of yet. 
As well I bought a body fat scale, so I will start tracking fat loss percentage. I think this will be a good motivator later down the road when the scale barely budges but you know your body’s changing.
I haven’t really exercised yet since surgery but today was the first day I did get some “store shopping” walking in.  The slowness and fatigue is killing me… It’s tough when you expect your body to do more cos it should be able to.  It’s amazing how everything is really connected to your abs!  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekly Weigh In, 01/19/2012

You may notice this post isn't exactly a weekly weigh in, and there will be none for this week. Last Tuesday, I came face to face with the reality of "would I" or "wouldn't I" follow through with my ultimate goal of extreme self care; would I treat myself with the respect, caring and love that I deserve and take care of my medical needs.

As I was faced with this dilemma I couldn't help but think of the irony that just weeks prior I publicly proclaimed to the internet that I would indeed take care of me!

I have suffered from gallbladder attacks off and on now for 12-15 years and I thought I had "beaten them" so to speak; mostly because I hadn't had an attack for several years. Well apparently I hadn't beaten them as I was in the midst of a weeklong mild attack. As I sat in the doctor offices trying to list out the pro's and con's to available solutions I could literally hear the fates/guardian angels laugh at me yet again in trying to find a way to wiggle out justify not having surgery.

In the end I finally chose to do the surgery and am now home recovering. I am beside myself really that I let myself live with such chronic pain and inflammation for years just because of my fears.  

I will leave you with the words my surgeon told my son; wow your mom had one of the worst gallbladders I have ever seen (my surgeon is still young so she hasn't seen THAT many gallbladders, ok!), surgery time was doubled, we almost went to open surgery but didn’t, we pulled at least 3 gallstones the size of golf balls out so her scars are going to be bigger than we talked about, but all in all... YOUR MOM TOOK IT LIKE A CHAMP!

I took it like a champ, eh?

So are there any medical needs you've been putting off and need to take care of?

“Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering – an image of death” ~ Buddha

Friday, January 13, 2012

Newlyweds on a Budget's - 10lb Challenge

I normally don’t join internet challenges but I couldn’t resist this one, hosted by Erika from Newlyweds on a Budget.  It’s such a cute site, cute family and a fabulous inspiration when it comes to saving money and paying down debt.  Okay, the fact that they’re from my home town of LA helps too!  A little piece of home I miss so much…

So are you up for joining?

I joined the 10-pound Challenge, hosted by Newlyweds on a Budget. Lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks, win $$$. Are you in?

10poundbutton The 10 Pound Challenge: Are you in?

Weekly Weigh In, 01/13/2012

Total weight loss goal: 60lbs
Weeks weight difference: -2 lbs
Total weight loss thus far: -2lbs
Total weight loss to go: 58lbs (oiy)
Goal achievement to date: 3%
The program I joined is Weight Watchers, mostly because I really love the fact that you can tailor your food likes into the program.  I will be attending the weekly meetings mostly for support, accountability and real life inspiration.  There is nothing like actually seeing other folks achieve their goals to keep you motivated, especially during the rough times.
Two pounds down is not a bad start. I am really struggling to remember to track my food intake.  It’s so easy to do and yet so challenging… I guess the most challenging part is facing what you actually gobbled down for the day! Can I get a re-do please? J

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January's Goals

We're almost half way through January, so I best get crackin’ on my monthly objectives if I am to ever succeed at meeting my years goals.

·         No soda
·         No coffee
·         Attend weekly weight loss program (4x)
·         Lose 2.5 pounds
·         Track my daily food intake (at least 80%)
·         Take body measurements
·         Take my vitamins
·         Exercise 20 minutes 3x a week
·         Sign up for 2 exercise classes
·         Make annual health appointments
·         Get rid of 52 things
·         Determine what my outstanding debt is
·         Have conversation with darling son with regard to where he’s headed
·         Investigate PM credentials

Seems like quite a lot but I think these are completely doable. The no soda and coffee, particularly sweetened coffee challenges are my most addictive vices.  Thankfully, I’ve given them up in the past so I feel pretty confident that all is need is reaffirmation to not to drink them. These are creature comforts and they've slowly worked their way back into my life while I was down and out recovering from my car accident and golf cart accident.  The most challenging item on this list is to track my food every single freakin day and possibly the getting rid of 52 things.

What are your goals for January?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Check out my 2012 Goals

So I finally did it, I have narrowed down what will be my 2012 goals. Goal planning can be fun and exciting but also quite stressful when you know you have planned such things previously and failed.

Some of the goals are still quite broad with no way to know for sure if I met them or not but at the start of each month I will break down these goals into SMART goals with actionable items. I figure why over plan and get discouraged by the amount, just take one step at a time...

Check 'em out

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome and hello

Hi All, my name is Jenn (aka Bunny) and this is my first official post.